Many of the visionaries who formed the Trust had experienced firsthand the adverse impacts to the Basin region resulting from the Columbia River Treaty. Rather than dwelling on those negatives, they chose instead to look forward, and in doing so they empowered residents to create a better region, one that would be influenced by the dreams and aspirations of all Basin residents.
Twenty-five years later, as we conclude this book, the people of the Basin are again facing extraordinary challenges. As the coronavirus pandemic disrupts all of society, people of the Basin are banding together, unified in their focus to persevere and be more resilient.
In partnership with the Trust, Basin residents have made tremendous strides in improving social, economic and environmental well-being in the Basin. Even as the world throws curve balls, residents continue to develop bold, innovative ideas for the future of the region, and we continue to provide the resources needed to transform those ideas into reality.
The possibilities for our next 25 years are vast. In 2019/20, we offered over 70 programs, including some tailor-made for the pandemic, which supported more than 2,160 projects. If our past is any indication, these numbers will only continue to rise. With this support, there’s no limit to what the people of the Basin can achieve.
Residents old and new often speak with conviction that their children and grandchildren will inherit and benefit from the Trust. As we set out on the next leg of our journey together, we hope to make the next generation proud.

Jocelyn Carver
Board Chair