1. Matthew Evenden, Allied Power: Mobilizing Hydro-Electricity During Canada’s Second World War (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015), 165; Jeremy Mouat, The Business of Power: Hydro-Electricity in Southeastern British Columbia, 1897-1997 (Victoria: Sono Nis Press, 1997), 138.

2. Because the river crosses the international boundary, any manipulation of the waterway requires cooperation and coordination between the two countries as dictated by the 1909 Boundary Waters Treaty.

3. C.G. Paulsen, “Floods of May-June 1948 in Columbia River Basin,” United States Department of the Interior (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1949), 9.

4. Jim Hazelwood, “5 Blocks in Trail Cleared; Rest Safe,” Vancouver Sun, June 11, 1948, Newspapers.com; Doug Leiterman, “Trail Battle Won,” The Province, June 14, 1948, Newspapers.com; Charles R. Stark Jr., “Trail Residents Win Great Fight,” Spokesman-Review, June 14, 1948, Newspapers.com.

5. Karl Froschauer, White Gold: Hydroelectric Power in Canada (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1999), 29-31.

6. Mouat, The Business of Power, 144-145; Robert William Sanford, Deborah Harford, and Jon O’Riordan, The Columbia River Treaty: A Primer (Calgary and Victoria: Rocky Mountain Books, 2014), 12.

7. Neil A. Swainson, Conflict Over the Columbia: The Canadian Background to a Historic Treaty (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1979), 253; Norman Hillmer, Daniel Macfarlane, and Michael W. Manulak, “Pearson and Environmental Diplomacy,” in Mike’s World: Lester Pearson and Canadian External Affairs, edited by Asa McKercher and Galen Roger Perras, 320-341 (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2016), 323.

8. Canada-B.C. Agreement, Canada and British Columbia, July 8, 1963, https://ourtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/delightful-downloads/CRT_Can-BC_Agreement1964.pdf.

9. Columbia Basin Trust, “An Overview: Columbia River Treaty,” https://thebasin.ourtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2018-07_Trust_TreatyOverview_Web.pdf.

10. Columbia River Treaty, art. 5, Canada and the United States of America, January 17, 1961, https://ourtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/delightful-downloads/ColumbiaRiverTreaty.pdf.

11. Sandford, Harford, and O’Riordan, The Columbia River Treaty: A Primer, 30.

12. Billy Bachop, “Libby Dam Land Battle Drawing Slowly to a Close,” Vancouver Sun, March 19, 1973, Newspapers.com; Lloyd Sharpe, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Impacted Residents Project.

13. Charles and Ethel Berry, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Impacted Residents Project.

14. Jean Spicer, quoted in J.W. Wilson, People in the Way: The Human Aspects of the Columbia River Project (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1973), 21.

15. Daisy Welsh, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Impacted Residents Project.

16. Daisy Welsh, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Impacted Residents Project.

17. Oliver and Helen Buerge, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Impacted Residents Project.

18. Brian Gadbois, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Impacted Residents Project.

19. Pete and Maria Peters, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Impacted Residents Project.

20. Wally Penner, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Impacted Residents Project.

21. Janet Spicer, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Impacted Residents Project.

22. Kim Gravelle, “Columbia River Treaty Committee Socio-Economic Impact Statement for Department of Lands & Resources, Ktunaxa/Kinbasket Tribal Council,” August 19, 1994, 15.

23. Hazel Squakin, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Basin Stories: Moving Lives, First Nations, 2013, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJt1EQocxBo.

24. Kathryn Teneese, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Basin Stories: Moving Lives, First Nations, 2013, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJt1EQocxBo.

25. Josh Smienk, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Basin Stories Project.

26. G.E. Penfold, A Review of the Range of Impacts and Benefits of the Columbia River Treaty on Basin Communities, the Region and the Province (Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Natural Gas, Columbia River Treaty Review, 2012), 17; Province of British Columbia, “Hamber Provincial Park Master Plan,” December 1986, 5, http://www.llbc.leg.bc.ca/public/PubDocs/bcdocs/367227/hamber_mp.pdf.

27. Jared Smith and Owen Torgerson, “Kinbasket Reservoir Impacts and Future Opportunities Report” (Village of Valemount, 2013), 15; Susan Toller and Peter N. Nemetz, “Assessing the Impact of Hydro Development,” BC Studies, no. 114 (Summer 1997), 21-22.

28. Susan B. Toller, “Sustainability and Hydro Development in the Columbia River Basin” (Master’s thesis, University of British Columbia, 1994), 88, 235-248; Penfold, A Review of the Range of Impacts and Benefits of the Columbia River Treaty on Basin Communities, the Region and the Province, 14.

29. Penfold, A Review of the Range of Impacts and Benefits of the Columbia River Treaty, 13.

30. Penfold, A Review of the Range of Impacts and Benefits of the Columbia River Treaty, 14, 29.

31. BC Hydro, Columbia River Development, Revised Edition (BC Hydro, 1967), 9, 10.

32. Toller and Nemetz, “Assessing the Impact of Hydro Development,” 16. This increase was in part due also to the construction of the Trans-Canada Highway and the expansion of the Canadian Pacific Railway.


1. Corky Evans, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton (Know History Inc.), Winlaw, B.C., July 17, 2018; “Hydro’s Tax Exemption Challenged,” Vancouver Sun, February 6, 1982, Newspapers.com.

2. Malcolm Turnbull, “Should Hydro Pay Hospital Tax?” The Province, November 1, 1983, Newspapers.com; “Hydro Urged to Pay Taxes on Kootenay Dam,” Vancouver Sun, October 2, 1984, Newspapers.com.

3. “Hydro’s Tax Exemption Challenged,” Vancouver Sun.

4. “Hydro’s Tax Exemption Challenged,” Vancouver Sun.

5. “Hydro Grants Extra $2.4 Million,” Vancouver Sun, May 8, 1989, Newspapers.com.

6. “Hydro Grants Increased: New ‘Economic Opportunity Fund’ Created,” Eagle Valley News, May 23, 1990, Newspapers.com.

7. “Column One,” Vancouver Sun, October 4, 1991, Newspapers.com.

8. Jeannette Townsend, interviewed by Emily Keyes (Know History Inc.), January 18, 2019.

9. Memo from Josh Smienk to Corky Evans, “Notes for Honorable Corky Evans Minister of Transportation and Highways for a Speech to Association of Kootenay Boundary Municipalities, Kimberley, B.C., April 20, 1996,” April 18, 1996, 5, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

10. Steve Thornton, “No Solution in Sight for Local Fisheries Problems,” Nelson Daily News, December 4, 1989, private collection of Josh Smienk.

11. In the early 2000s, the Association of Kootenay Boundary Municipalities updated its name to the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments.

12. Electoral History of British Columbia Supplement, 1987-2001 (Victoria, British Columbia: Legislative Library, 2002), 5, 7-14.

13. Corky Evans, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

14. Josh Smienk, “Notes for Speech, AKBM 1992,” private collection of Josh Smienk.

15. Herb Marcolli, interviewed by Rachel Lucas (Columbia Basin Trust), Revelstoke, B.C., March 29, 2012.

16. Josh Smienk, Letter to Anne Edwards and David Zirnhelt, November 24, 1992, private collection of Josh Smienk.

17. Columbia River Treaty Committee and Executive Committee, “Operating Principles,” August 10, 1993, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

18. The Ktunaxa-Kinbasket Tribal Council was renamed the Ktunaxa Nation Council in 2005.

19. Douglas Gordon and Wayne Choquette, Pre-Feasibility Study Report: Impact of Development on the Native Fisheries of the Canadian Columbia Basin – Towards a Mitigation Strategy (Ktunaxa-Kinbasket Tribal Council, July 1991).

20. Sophie Pierre, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton (Know History Inc.), Cranbrook, B.C., September 14, 2018.

21. Sophie Pierre, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

22. Jeannette Townsend, interviewed by Emily Keyes (Know History Inc.), January 18, 2019.

23. Garry Merkel, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton (Know History Inc.), St. Mary’s, Kimberley, B.C., July 20, 2018.

24. Sharlene Imhoff, “Righting Past Wrongs,” Castlegar Sun, June 23, 1993, private collection of Josh Smienk.

25. Josh Smienk, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

26. Memorandum of Minutes, Meeting of the Columbia River Treaty Committee, May 4, 1993, private collection of Josh Smienk; “Ministry of Energy, Mining and Petroleum, Appendix” in Salasan Associates, Inc., “Columbia-Kootenay Symposium Summary Report,” August 17, 1993, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

27. Charles Lynn and Lita Salanski, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Basin Stories Project.

28. Imhoff, “Righting Past Wrongs”; “1993 Columbia Kootenay Symposium Transcript, Tape 2 – Part 1, Castlegar, June 18-20, 1993,” Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

29. “Redefining Who Has Done the Giving—and the Taking,” Castlegar Sun, June 23, 1993.

30. Corky Evans, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

31. “What They Said,” Castlegar Sun, June 23, 1993.

32. Karen Hamling, interviewed by Emily Keyes (Know History Inc.), February 6, 2019.

33. “What They Said,” Castlegar Sun.

34. Rosemarie Johnson, “Columbia Basin Accord Announcement,” March 19, 1995, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

35. Corky Evans, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

36. Salasan, “Symposium Summary Report,” 1993, 4-5.

37. “1993 Columbia Kootenay Symposium Transcript, Tape 1 – Part 1,” Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

38. “1993 Columbia Kootenay Symposium Transcript, Tape 4 – Part 1,” Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

39. Josh Smienk, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

40. Dieter Bogs, interviewed by Amy Bohigian, Trail, B.C., March 22, 2012.

41. Josh Smienk, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

42. “Treaty Signed,” Eagle Valley News, September 14, 1994, Newspapers.com; Minutes, CRTC Meeting, August 30, 1994, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

43. Minutes, CRTC Meeting, October 16-17, 1994, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

44. Max Wiesner, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Basin Stories Project; Max Wiesner and Bob Rohn, interviewed by Columbia Basin Trust, Basin Stories Project.

45. Salasan Associates, Inc., “Columbia-Kootenay Symposium Summary Report,” November 25, 1994, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

46. Salasan, “Symposium Summary Report,” 1994, 2, 16; Barry Gunn, “Downstream Benefits: Where Do We Go From Here?” Cranbrook Daily Townsman, November 9, 1994.

47. Gunn, “Downstream Benefits”; “Ideas for Use of the Cash Benefit,” Cranbrook Daily Townsman, November 9, 1994.

48. Barry Gunn, “NDP Bring a Surprise to Dam Benefit Talks,” Cranbrook Daily Townsman, November 7, 1994.

49. Karen Hamling, interviewed by Emily Keyes.

50. Gunn, “Downstream Benefits.”

51. Salasan, “Symposium Summary Report,” 1994, 18, 20.

52. Minutes, CRTC Meeting, March 2, 1994, Columbia Basin Trust Archive; Garry Merkel, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

53. Hubert Beyer, “Columbia Treaty Deals Good for B.C.,” Salmon Arm Observer, September 21, 1994, Newspapers.com.

54. Columbia River Treaty Committee, “Resolution,” January 8, 1995, 4.

55. Province of British Columbia, “Memorandum of Understanding: Columbia Basin Accord,” March 19, 1995, 3.

56. “Harcourt Signs River Basin Treaty,” Vernon Morning Star, March 29, 1995, Newspapers.com.

57. “Columbia Basin Trust Act,” Hansard Report of B.C. Legislative Assembly Debates, April 19, 1995, vol. 19 no. 25, https://www.leg.bc.ca/documents-data/debate-transcripts/35th-parliament/4th-session/19950419pm-Hansard-v18n25.

58. John Betts, “Columbia Basin Trust Proclaimed Law,” Nelson Daily News, July 7, 1995, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.


1. Greg Deck, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton (Know History Inc.), Radium Hot Springs, B.C., July 21, 2018.

2. Corky Evans, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton (Know History Inc.), Winlaw, B.C., July 17, 2018.

3. Cornerstone Planning Group, “Summary Report: 1995 Columbia Basin Trust Pre-Symposium Community Workshops,” October 1995, 3, 12, private collection of Josh Smienk.

4. Greg Deck, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

5. Alec Tully, “Trust Money Realized,” Creston Valley Advance, October 27, 1995, Columbia Basin Trust Archive; Salasan Associates Inc., “1995 Columbia-Kootenay Symposium: Report of Breakout Group Discussions and Speaker Notes,” 56, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

6. Salasan, “Report of Breakout Group Discussions,” 55.

7. Salasan, “Report of Breakout Group Discussions,” 12.

8. Salasan, “Report of Breakout Group Discussions,” 56.

9. “Benefits Come Eventually,” Golden Star, October 25, 1995; Salasan Associates Inc., “1995 Columbia-Kootenay Symposium: Summary Advice from Delegates,” 6, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

10. Salasan, “Summary Advice from Delegates,” 3; Danielle Belbeck, “Benefits Should Improve Quality of Life,” Golden Star, October 25, 1995, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

11. Salasan, “Summary Advice from Delegates,” 2; Salasan, “Report of Breakout Group Discussions,” 24-26.

12. Salasan, “Summary Advice from Delegates,” 2.

13. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 1995-1996,” 8.

14. Danielle Belbeck, “Delegates Develop Plans for Basin,” Golden Star, Oct 25, 1995, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

15. Belbeck, “Benefits Should Improve Quality of Life.”

16. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 1995-1996,” 13.

17. Paul Hambruch, interviewed by Amy Bohigian (Columbia Basin Trust), Golden, B.C., April 18, 2012.

18. “Columbia Basin Trust Plan Process Update,” May 22, 1996, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

19. “Workbook for Discussion,” 1997 Columbia-Kootenay Symposium, Revelstoke, B.C., Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

20. “Delegates Discuss Trust Future,” Nelson Daily News, April 15, 1997.

21. “Delegates Discuss Trust Future,” Nelson Daily News.

22. Patty Bossart, “Columbia Basin Trust Symposium 1997 Summary Notes,” 6-9, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

23. Garry Merkel, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton (Know History Inc.), St. Mary’s, Kimberley, B.C., July 20, 2018.

24. Bossart, “Columbia Basin Trust Symposium 1997 Summary Notes,” 11.

25. Garry Merkel, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

26. Columbia Basin Trust, Columbia Basin Trust: A Legacy for the People (1997), https://ourtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/delightful-downloads/CBTcharter_WEB.pdf.

27. “Columbia Basin Trust Update,” Newsletter, February 5, 1996, 2, Columbia Basin Trust Archive

28. Lorne Sivertson, “Arrow Lakes Generating Station: An Improbable Power Project,” August 31, 2018, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

29. Patricia Lush, “Cominco, B.C. Cut Deal on Smelter, Power,” Globe and Mail, March 5, 1994, ProQuest Historical Newspapers Historical Newspapers; Rod Nutt, “NDP, Cominco forge deal for Trail smelter,” Vancouver Sun, March 5, 1994, Newspapers.com; Rod Nutt, “Cominco sells dam, hydro assets to B.C.,” Vancouver Sun, January 24, 1996, Newspapers.com.

30. Lorne Sivertson, interviewed by Columbia Power. Date unknown.

31. Columbia Power Company, “CPC Public Consultation Summary Keenleyside 230kV Transmission Line,” Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

32. “Trust Tries to Involve Locals,” Vancouver Sun, Aug 15, 1998, Newspapers.com; Wally Penner, Columbia Power Corporation 2020 interview.

33. Columbia Basin Trust, “Programs Annual Report 1998-1999 (Summer 1999),” 20-21.

34. Sivertson, “Arrow Lakes Generating Station.”

35. Josh Smienk, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton (Know History Inc.), Nelson, B.C., September 13, 2018.

36. Justine Hunter, “Clark Unveils Kootenays Dam Plan,” Vancouver Sun, January 24, 1996, Newspapers.com.

37. Columbia Basin Trust, Columbia Basin Management Plan, 12.

38. Bossart, “Columbia Basin Trust Symposium 1997 Summary Notes,” 9.

39. “Museum Explores Kootenay Region,” Country Star, December 3, 1997, Newspapers.com.

40. Columbia Basin Trust, “Programs Annual Report 1998-1999,” 26-27; Dean Basset, “History Study Results Delivered,” Kimberley Daily Bulletin, September 30, 1999, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

41. The program is now called the Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program.

42. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 1997-1998,” 11.

43. “Creston: Gateway to Kootenay Country,” Surrey/North Delta News Leader, April 19, 1997, Newspapers.com.

44. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 1997-1998,” 12.

45. Greg Deck, interviewed by Amy Bohigian (Columbia Basin Trust), Radium, B.C., April 17, 2012.


1. Columbia Basin Trust, “Report to Residents 2000-2001,” 2.

2. “Where Are We Going? An Operational Vision,” 1, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

3. “British Columbia Municipal Census Populations (1921-2011),” BC Stats, May 2012, http://www.bcstats.gov.bc.ca/StatisticsBySubject/Census/MunicipalPopulations.

4. Letter from Jeff George to Board of Directors, February 23, 2000, 13, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

5. Letter from Don Johnston to Jeff George, March 31, 2000, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

6. Corky Evans, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton (Know History Inc.), Winlaw, B.C., July 17, 2018.

7. Columbia Basin Trust, “Programs Annual Report 1999-2000,” 2; Columbia Basin Trust, “Report to Residents 2000-2001,” 15.

8. “Where Are We Going?” 5-6.

9. Karen Hamling, interviewed by Emily Keyes (Know History Inc.), telephone interview, February 6, 2019.

10. Columbia Basin Trust, “Report to Residents 2000-2001,” 5-7; Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2002-2003,” 10-11; Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2003-2004,” 10; “Communities Get More Funds for Popular Granting Programs,” Kimberley Daily Bulletin, January 11, 2016, ProQuest Historical Newspapers; Sally Macdonald, “Communities get million-dollar influx,” Kimberley Daily Bulletin, June 12, 2013, ProQuest Historical Newspapers; Timothy Schafer, “In Library We Trust,” Nelson Daily News, May 7, 2008, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

11. Columbia Basin Trust, “Programs Annual Report 1999-2000,” 27.

12. Leona Gadsby, interviewed by Emily Keyes (Know History Inc.), telephone interview, January 17, 2019.

13. “Columbia Basin Trust Continues Partnership with Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy,” Revelstoke Times Review, March 23, 2017, ProQuest Historical Newspapers. The Trust renewed this $500,000 annual commitment for 2019 and 2020.

14. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report to Residents 2000-2001,” 11.

15. Desneiges Profili, Email to Rachel Lucas (Columbia Basin Trust), July 16, 2020.

16. Columbia Basin Trust, “Programs Annual Report 1998-1999 (Summer 1999),” 17.

17. Columbia Basin Trust, “Programs Annual Report 1999-2000,” 26; Lana Rodlie, “Students see Kootenays in Youth Links,” Trail Times, July 17, 2002, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

18. Columbia Basin Trust, “Programs Annual Report 1999-2000,” 26.

19. Columbia Basin Trust, “Report to Residents Fall 2002,” 1; Columbia Basin Trust, “Programs Annual Report 1999-2000,” 26.

20. “Youth Complete Ambitious Projects,” Nelson Daily News, April 14, 2004, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

21. Columbia Basin Trust, “Basin Voice Youth Action Forum Summary Report,” 2001, 8.

22. Columbia Basin Trust, “Basin Voice Youth Action Forum Summary Report,” 19.

23. Columbia Basin Trust, “Basin Voice Youth Action Forum Summary Report,” 18.

24. Scratch Magazine, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (Columbia Basin Trust: Spring 2002).

25. Kindy Gosal, interviewed by Emily Keyes (Know History Inc.), telephone interview, March 1, 2019.

26. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2004-2005,” 13; Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2001-2002,” 13, 26-27.

27. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2001-2002,” 27.

28. Columbia Basin Trust, “Report to Residents Fall 2004,” 4.

29. Columbia Basin Trust, “Report to Residents Spring 2002,” 10.

30. Columbia Basin Trust, “Report to Residents 2000-2001,” 14; Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2001-2002,” 36.

31. Celeste Mullin, interviewed by Emily Keyes (Know History Inc.), telephone interview, February 26, 2019.

32. Columbia Basin Trust, “Report to Residents Spring 2002,” 10.

33. Celeste Mullin, interviewed by Emily Keyes.

34. Gerry Werner, “Was Resort the Right Project?” Kimberley Daily Bulletin, July 16, 2004, Newspapers.com

35. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2003-2004,” 2, 27.

36. Werner, “Was Resort the Right Project?”; Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report, 2004-2005,” 32-33.

37. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2001-2002,” 36.

38. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2004-2005,” 22, 33.

39. Columbia Basin Trust, “Service Plan Update, 2005/06-2007/08 (September 2005),” 15; Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2004-2005,” 22.

40. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2006-2007,” 19-20.

41. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2000-2001,” 4.

42. Alan Wait, “CBT Straying From Their Mandate,” Nelson Daily News, October 30, 2001, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

43. Raymond Masleck, “Axe Columbia Basin Trust, Gabana Tells Committee,” Trail Times, October 17, 2001, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

44. Craig McInnes and Jim Beatty, “Spending Boosted by $1.8 Billion,” Vancouver Sun, March 16, 2001, Newspapers.com.

45. “Govt Services Review Begins,” North Thompson Star/Journal, August 6, 2001, Newspapers.com.

46. Greg Deck, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton (Know History Inc.), Radium Hot Springs, B.C., July 21, 2018.

47. Paul Willcocks, “Open the Doors on the Core Services Review,” Vancouver Sun, September 1, 2001, Newspapers.com.

48. Memo, Lidstone & Company to Neil Muth, “Columbia Basin Trust Autonomy Report,” 2012, 2.

49. “CBT Legislative Changes,” 92, Columbia Basin Trust Archive; Kathy Kiel, “Province Imposes Changes to CBT: Concern About New Structure Remains for Many,” Nelson Daily News, January 22, 2004, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

50. Jane Burton, “Kicking Us When We’re Down,” Nelson Daily News, November 12, 2003, ProQuest Historical Newspapers; Kiel, “Province Imposes Changes to CBT”; Memo, Lidstone & Company to Neil Muth, “Columbia Basin Trust Autonomy Report,” 2012, 21, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

51. Bob Keating, “Liberals Shift Rules for Columbia Basin Trust,” The Province, November 17, 2003, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

52. “CBT Legislative Changes,” 2-3.

53. Keating, “Liberals Shift Rules for Columbia Basin Trust.”

54. “About Us, Culture and Heritage,” St. Eugene Golf Resort & Casino, accessed April 24, 2019, https://www.steugene.ca/en/about-us-culture-heritage/; Sophie Pierre, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton (Know History Inc.), Cranbrook, B.C., September 14, 2018; “Memories from Residential School Survivors,” Columbia Valley Pioneer, June 26, 2015, https://www.columbiavalleypioneer.com/news/memories-from-residential-school-survivors/.

55. Sophie Pierre, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

56. “About Us,” St. Eugene Golf Resort & Casino.

57. “About Us,” St. Eugene Golf Resort & Casino; Werner, “Was Resort the Right Project.”

58. Gerry Warner, “St. Eugene Mission Resort Celebrates 10th Anniversary; First Dream to Success and Everything in Between,” Daily Townsman, May 25, 2010, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

59. Rod Mickleburgh, “Residential School Goes from Tragedy to Triumph,” Globe and Mail, July 24, 2012, https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/residential-school-goes-from-tragedy-to-triumph/article4439666/.

60. Sophie Pierre, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

61. Greg Deck, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

62. Josh Smienk, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton (Know History Inc.), Nelson, B.C., September 13, 2018; “Hydro, Columbia Trust Discuss Takeover,” Vancouver Sun, October 1, 2004, Newspapers.com.

63. Stephen Fowler, “Selling Off Our Legacy,” Nelson Daily News, October 26, 2004, ProQuest Historical Newspapers; Bob Keating, “Power Sale Divides Kootenays,” The Province, November 10, 2004, Newspapers.com; John Edwards, “Sold Down the River – Part 2?” East Shore Mainstreet, November 2004, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

64. Josh Smienk, interviewed by Marian Barschel, CBC Radio Daybreak Kelowna, November 24, 2004, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

65. Karl Hardt, “Former MLAs Urge Diligence in Power Assets Sale,” Citizen, November 10, 2004, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

66. Kathy Kiel, “Heat Turned Up on Trust: Dam Sale Draws Plenty of Fire and Very Little Praise at Tuesday Night Meeting,” Nelson Daily News, November 10, 2004, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

67. “Trail Residents React Negatively to Proposed Sale,” Morning Star, November 16, 2004, Newspapers.com.

68. Fowler, “Selling Off Our Legacy.”

69. Andrew Petrozzi, “Power Remains for the People,” Arrow Lakes News, December 2, 2004, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

70. Greg Deck, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

71. Josh Smienk, interviewed by Marian Barschel.

72. “Bickering Partners Not Good Reason to Sell,” Castlegar News, November 17, 2004, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

73. Lorne Sivertson, “Trust Not Getting Facts Right,” Nelson Daily News, November 22, 2004, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

74. Paul Willcocks, “Columbia Basin Trust Looking at $200 Million Dam, Power Plants Buy,” Trail Times, July 7, 2005, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

75. Memo, Lidstone & Company to Neil Muth, “Columbia Basin Trust Autonomy Report,” 24.

76. “Option Agreement Dead, New Lease on Life for CBT/CPC,” Castlegar News, December 14, 2005, ProQuest Historical Newspapers; “CBT and CPC Boards Entwined,” Castlegar News, May 3, 2006, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.


1. Columbia Basin Trust, “10th Anniversary Symposium Summary Report,” 36, 39, 41.

2. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2005-2006,” 1.

3. Laurie Page, interviewed by Emily Keyes (Know History Inc.), Castlegar, B.C., November 22, 2018.

4. Josh Smienk, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton (Know History Inc.), Nelson, B.C., September 13, 2018; “Columbia Basin Trust Hires New CEO,” Cranbrook Daily Townsman, September 16, 2005, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

5. “Columbia Basin Trust Hires New CEO,” Cranbrook Daily Townsman.

6. “CBT Sinks Flagship Nakusp,” Arrow Lakes News, August 31, 2006, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

7. Laurie Page, interviewed by Emily Keyes.

8. Greg Deck, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton.

9. Sara Newham, “Trust to Keep Nakusp Office Open,” Nelson Daily News, September 12, 2006, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

10. “Brilliant Expansion Project Open for Public Tours Sunday,” Trail Times, September 30, 2005, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

11. “Crowds to Flood Dam Community Day,” Castlegar News, September 27, 2006, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

12. “Brilliant Expansion Generating Station,” Columbia Power Corporation, http://columbiapower.org/projects/brilliant-expansion-generating-station/.

13. Sara Newham, “Smienk Retiring Position as Chair of Columbia Basin Trust,” Trail Times, September 28, 2006, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

14. Aimee Ambrosone, interviewed by Ryan Shackleton (Know History Inc.), Castlegar, B.C., September 12, 2018.

15. “Columbia Basin Trust Seeking Input,” Golden Star, June 6, 2007, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

16. Columbia Basin Trust, “Charter (2007),” 14, https://ourtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/Charter.pdf.

17. “Nelson CARES Society Steps Up to the Plate,” Nelson Daily News, January 6, 2009, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

18. Columbia Basin Trust, “Environmental Strategic Plan 2009-2012,” 3.

19. Johnny Strilaeff, interviewed by Emily Keyes (Know History Inc.), Vancouver, B.C., January 15, 2018.

20. Columbia Basin Trust, “Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures,” October 2009, Columbia Basin Trust Archive.

21. “Darkwoods: History,” Nature Conservancy Canada, http://www.natureconservancy.ca/en/where-we-work/british-columbia/featured-projects/darkwoods/dw_history.html; Mark Hume, “German Duke Sells B.C. Land to Nature Conservancy,” July 24, 2008, Globe and Mail, https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/german-duke-sells-bc-land-to-nature-conservancy/article22502044/.

22. “Darkwoods,” Nature Conservancy Canada, https://www.natureconservancy.ca/en/where-we-work/british-columbia/featured-projects/west-kootenay/darkwoods/.

23. Columbia Basin Trust, “Report to Residents 2009,” 11.

24. “Darkwoods Conservation Area to Grow,” Creston Valley Advance, December 22, 2018, https://www.crestonvalleyadvance.ca/news/darkwoods-conservation-area-to-grow/.

25. Columbia Basin Trust, “Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures,” 6, 7.

26. Francisco Canjura, “Columbia Basin Trust in Position to Help,” Castlegar News, February 10, 2009, Gale OneFile.

27. Columbia Basin Trust, “Report to Residents 2009,” 2.

28. Bruce Fuhr, “Kootenays Feeling Impact of Recession,” Nelson Daily News, June 16, 2009, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

29. “Mill Workers Blast Provincial Government,” Kootenay Advertiser, February 20, 2008, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

30. Gerry Warner, “Tembec to Shut Down for Eight Weeks,” Cranbrook Daily Townsman, February 4, 2009, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

31. Ali Grieve, “Waneta Expansion Project a Benefit to Entire Region,” Trail Daily Times, April 9, 2015, Gale OneFile.

32. Colin Payne, Waneta Expansion Project (British Columbia: Columbia Power Corporation, 2015), 2.

33. “Waneta Expansion Project Benefits Region,” Columbia Power Corporation, March 13, 2014, http://columbiapower.org/2014/03/waneta-expansion-project-benefits-region-2013-socio-economic-monitoring-report-released/; “First Nations,” Columbia Power Corporation, http://columbiapower.org/partners/first-nations/.

34. “Waneta Expansion Celebrates Grand Opening and Workers Who Made It Happen,” Columbia Power Corporation, July 10, 2015, http://columbiapower.org/2015/07/waneta-expansion-celebrates-grand-opening-workers-who-made-it-happen/.


1. “Columbia Basin Trust Marks 15 Years of Strengthening Communities,” Nelson Daily News, May 19, 2010, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

2. Johnny Strilaeff, interviewed by Emily Keyes (Know History Inc.), Vancouver, B.C., January 15, 2018.

3. Columbia Basin Trust, “Report to Residents 2012,” 2.

4. “Putting Youth in the Driver’s Seat,” Columbia Basin Trust, January 22, 2016, https://ourtrust.org/putting-youth-in-the-drivers-seat/.

5. “Strengthening Opportunities for Youth,” Columbia Basin Trust, February 1, 2016, https://ourtrust.org/strengthening-opportunities-for-youth/.

6. Aimee Ambrosone, interviewed by Emily Keyes (Know History Inc.), Castlegar, B.C., September 12, 2018.

7. Kindy Gosal, interviewed by Emily Keyes (Know History Inc.), telephone interview March 1, 2019.

8. Columbia Basin Trust, “Annual Report 2004-2005,” 13; Erin Handy, “Network Rising from the Ashes,” Trail Times, August 5, 2009, ProQuest Historical Newspapers; Columbia Basin Trust, “Report to Residents 2012,” 5.

9. Laurie Page, interviewed by Emily Keyes (Know History Inc.), Castlegar, B.C., November 22, 2018.

10. Columbia Basin Trust, “Broadband Strategic Framework 2016/17-2019/20,” https://ourtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2018-02-CBBC_Strategic_Plan_2018_FINAL.pdf, 2.

11. British Columbia, “Columbia River Treaty Review Public Consultation Report,” March 2014, https://engage.gov.bc.ca/app/uploads/sites/6/2017/01/Columbia-River-Treaty-Review-Public-Consultation-Report-_March-2014-1.pdf, 36-40.

12. Alex Cooper, “Columbia Basin Trust Looking for Input as Outlays Set to Jump to $55 Million,” Revelstoke Times Review, October 17, 2014, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

13. Johnny Strilaeff, interviewed by Emily Keyes.

14. Breanne Massey, “CBT Doubles Revenue,” Invermere Valley Echo, April 29, 2015, Gale OneFile; “An Update on Our Trust, Our Future,” Columbia Basin Trust, June 30, 2015, https://ourtrust.org/an-update-on-our-trust-our-future/.

15. Columbia Basin Trust, “Housing Initiatives Strategic Framework Update 2018/19 – 2020/21,” September 2018, https://ourtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2018-09_HousingInitiativesStrategicFrameworkFINAL.pdf, 4-6.

16. “First Nations Housing Sustainability Initiative,” Columbia Basin Trust, https://ourtrust.org/grants-and-programs-directory/first-nations-housing/.

17. Columbia Basin Trust, “Renewed Focus for the Future,” Our Trust 2015/16, 10.

18. Columbia Basin Trust, “Stimulating Business Success,” September 18, 2018, https://stories.ourtrust.org/stimulating-business-success/.

19. Laurie Page, interviewed by Emily Keyes.

20. Johnny Strilaeff, interviewed by Emily Keyes; Laurie Page, interviewed by Emily Keyes.

21. Sally Macdonald, “Childcare Crisis Under Microscope; Local Groups Come Together to Study East Kootenay Childcare Problems,” Cranbrook Daily Townsman, February 24, 2014, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

22. Arne Petryshen, “Child Care Positions Are Not Being Filled in East Kootenay,” Cranbrook Daily Townsman, November 20, 2015, ProQuest Historical Newspapers.

23. Columbia Basin Trust, “Report to Residents 2011,” 11.

24. Chelsea Novak, “Child Care Providers Happy About CBT Funding,” Rossland News, September 28, 2017, Gale OneFile.

25. Columbia Basin Trust, “Meeting Child Care Needs,” Our Trust 2018/19, 15.

26. Marie Milner, “New Leader, Same Philosophy for Columbia Basin Trust,” Kootenay Business, January 27, 2017, https://kootenaybiz.com/financial/article/new_leader_same_philosophy_for_columbia_basin_trust.

27. Columbia Basin Trust, “Our Thoughts: Message from the Chair and CEO,” Our Trust 2018/19, 4.

28. Rick Jensen, interviewed by Johnny Strilaeff (Columbia Basin Trust), “Inspired by the Basin,” September 25, 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMjY2-Fz-Uc&feature=emb_logo.

29. Johnny Strilaeff, interviewed by Emily Keyes.

30. Columbia Basin Trust, “Foundation for the Future,” Our Trust 2015/16, 11.