front Graham Osborne.
back (top left to bottom right) Tracy Connery; Lee Orr; Dennis Charles; Chase Roshau; Adrian Wagner; Jesse Schpakowski; Gabriela Escobar; Kyle Hamilton.
Endpaper Lucas Jmieff.
1 Pat Morrow.
2–3 Pat Morrow.
4–5 Ryan Creary.
6–7 Douglas Noblet.
8–9 Douglas Noblet.
10–11 Lucas Jmieff.
12–13 Pat Morrow.
16 Courtesy of Josh Smienk.
18 (top left) Touchstones Nelson, Accession No. 1983.151.004; (top right) Touchstones Nelson, Accession No. 1995.163.001; (bottom) Cranbrook History Centre. Supplied by the Columbia Basin Institute of Regional History, Accession No. 0266.0005.
19 Bonneville Dam, Columbia River, 1932-1942, State Library Photograph Collection, 1851-1990, Washington State Archives. Original image held at the Washington State Archives, Olympia, WA.
20 (top) Courtesy of Josh Smienk; (bottom) Kootenay Gallery of Art and Science. Supplied by the Columbia Basin Institute of Regional History, Accession No. 0133.0080.
21 (top, left to right) Rossland Museum and Discovery Centre. Supplied by the Columbia Basin Institute of Regional History, Accession No. 2306.0073; Rossland Museum and Discovery Centre. Supplied by the Columbia Basin Institute of Regional History, Accession No. 2306.0075; Rossland Museum and Discovery Centre. Supplied by the Columbia Basin Institute of Regional History, Accession No. 2306.0074; (bottom) Used with permission: Photo Archive / The Spokesman-Review.
22 (left) Bonneville Power Administration, Accession No. H430-5. Original copy in possession of the Eisenhower Presidential Library; (right) Courtesy of The Oregonian.
23 (all) BC Hydro. Columbia River Development. May, 1965. Scans courtesy of Touchstones Nelson.
24 (left) BC Hydro; (top right) Ken Oakes / PNG Files. Material republished with the express permission of Vancouver Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc; (bottom right) Bonneville Power Administration, Accession No. H444-2. Original copy in possession of BC Hydro.
25 Columbia Basin Trust.
26 (top) Chris Spicer Farm. Estate of Jean Spicer, Arrow Lakes Historical Society, Accession No. 1999.019.449; (bottom) Spicer Farm, July 1956.
Estate of Jean Spicer, Arrow Lakes Historical Society, Accession No. 1999.019.357. 27 (all) Ursula Heller. 28 Ursula Heller. 29 Courtesy of Don Barcham. 30 (top left) Ron Waters. Touchstones Nelson, Accession No. 1994.037.109; (top right) Courtesy of Lloyd and Ruth Sharpe; (bottom) Courtesy of Linda Graham. 31 (top) Courtesy of Oliver and Helen Buerge; (right) Ursula Heller; (bottom) Courtesy of Oliver and Helen Buerge. 32 (top) Image I-06784 courtesy of the Royal BC Museum and Archives; (bottom) Image I-05910 courtesy of the Royal BC Museum and Archives. 33 Image I-05890 courtesy of the Royal BC Museum and Archives. 34 (left) Courtesy of Bruce Rohn; (top) Ellis Anderson. Courtesy of Bruce Rohn; (right) Arrow Lakes Historical Society. 35 (top) BC Hydro; (bottom) Touchstones Nelson. 36 BC Hydro. 37 (left) Arrow Lake Tree Debris. Denis Stanley, Arrow Lakes Historical Society, Accession No. 2014.018.3433; (middle) Columbia Basin Trust Archive; (right) Courtesy of Oliver and Helen Buerge. 38 Maur Mere. 39 Gillian Heagy. 40 Adrian Wagner. 41 Tom Weager.
42 Originally published in the Castlegar Sun.
44 Image I-06968 courtesy of the Royal BC Museum and Archives.
45 Nakusp April 21-70. Estate of Jean Spicer, Accession No. 1999.019.36, Arrow Lakes Historical Society.
46 (top) 200 block, Broadway Street West, Nakusp, 1970-1971. Gilbert Torgnysson, Accession No. 2018.030.8, Arrow Lakes Historical Society; (middle) Ellis Anderson, Revelstoke Museum & Archives; (bottom) Robert Inwood.
47 Denise Howard / PNG Files. Material republished with the express permission of Vancouver Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.
48 Courtesy of Herb Marcolli.
49 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
50 Adrian Wagner.
51 (photos) Columbia Basin Trust Archive; (left) Material republished with the express permission of Touchstones Nelson, copyright holder for Nelson Daily News; (middle) Material republished with the express permission of Trail Times, a division of Black Press Media; (right) Originally published in the Castlegar Sun.
52 Ursula Heller.
53 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
55 Material republished with the express permission of Cranbrook Daily Townsman, a division of Black Press Media.
56 Ursula Heller.
57 Material republished with the express permission of Cranbrook Daily Townsman, a division of Black Press Media.
58 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
60 (all) Columbia Basin Trust Archive. 61 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
62–63 (all) Stacked Films.
64–65 (top, left to right) Stacked Films; Ryan Watmough – Columbia Valley Community Economic Development; Stacked Films; (bottom, left to right) Stacked Films; Stacked Films.
66–67 (top, left to right) Eric Barnes; Stacked Films; (bottom, left to right) Stacked Films; Eric Barnes.
68–69 (all) Stacked Films.
70–71 (all) Stacked Films.
72–73 (top, left to right) Nick Nault; Stacked Films; (bottom, left to right) Kelly Funk Photography; Nick Nault.
74–75 (top, left to right) Eric Barnes; Justin Woodman; (bottom, left to right) Stacked Films; Nick Nault.
76 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
78 Lee Orr.
79 (left) Originally published in the Golden News; (right) Columbia Basin Trust Archive; (bottom) Material republished with the express permission of Golden Star, a division of Black Press Media.
80 Adrian Wagner.
81 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
82 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
84 (all) Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
85 (top) Columbia Basin Trust and Columbia Power Corporation; (middle) Larry Doell; (bottom) Shawn Talbot.
86 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
87 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
88 Columbia Basin Trust and Columbia Power Corporation.
89 Columbia Basin Trust and Columbia Power Corporation; Larry Doell.
91 (all) Kari Medig.
92 (left) Brian Nadwidny; (top) Lee Orr; (bottom) Carla Ahern.
94–95 (top, left to right) David Gluns; Columbia Basin Trust; Zoe Ferguson; (bottom, left to right) Louis Bockner; Anice Wong, courtesy of BC Farmers’ Market Trail.
96–97 (top, left to right) Laura Keil; David Gluns; (bottom, left to right) Kari Medig, courtesy of Kootenay Rockies Tourism; David Gluns; Bryan Peters.
98 Material republished with the express permission of The Province, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.
100 (top to bottom) Adrian Wagner; Lee Orr; Claire Dibble; Damien Vincent.
101 Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy.
102 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
103 Adrian Wagner.
104 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
106 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
107 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
108 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
110 (left) Missionary Oblates of Mary-Immaculate. Archives Deschâtelets-NDC; (right) Supplied by the Columbia Basin Institute of Regional History, Accession No. 0019.0105.
111 Courtesy of St. Eugene Golf Resort & Casino.
112 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
114 Columbia Basin Trust Archive.
116–117 (top, left to right) William Chitty; Ashley Voykin; Greg Osadchuk; (bottom, left to right) Eric Larocque; Adrian Wagner; David Gluns.
118–119 (top, left to right) Zoe Ferguson; Columbia Basin Trust; Allen Rollin; (bottom, left to right) Agathe Bernard; Chelsea Boyd Gibson, Meadowsweet Photography; Adrian Wagner; Jesse Schpakowski.
120 Columbia Basin Trust.
122 Adrian Wagner.
123 Columbia Basin Trust.
124 (all) Ursula Heller.
125 (all) Ursula Heller.
127 (all) Columbia Basin Trust.
129 (left) Bruce Kirkby; (right) Chris Rowat Design; (bottom) Bruce Kirkby.
130 (top, left to right) Ryan Flett; Columbia Basin Trust; Columbia Basin Trust; (bottom) Columbia Basin Trust.
131 (top, left to right) Adrian Wagner; Columbia Basin Trust; Lee Orr.
132 Larry Doell.
133 (all) Columbia Basin Trust.
134–135 (top, left to right) Lee Orr; Dine Kalen-Sukra; Colin Payne; Columbia Basin Trust; Zoe Ferguson; (middle, left to right) Zoe Ferguson; Rachel Brayshaw; Claire Dibble; Zoe Ferguson; Colin Payne; (bottom, left to right) Ktunaxa Nation; Zoe Ferguson; Dave Heath; Calvin Domin.
136–137 (top, left to right) Lesley and Jim Catley; Columbia Basin Trust; Mary Matheson; Adrian Wagner; (middle, left to right) Tracy Connery; Colin Payne; Columbia Basin Trust; Kyle Hamilton; Tracy Connery; (bottom, left to right) Columbia Basin Trust; Revelstoke Railway Museum; Columbia Basin Trust; Dogwood Photography.
138 Zoe Ferguson.
140–141 (all) Jason Keerak, Pure Studios.
142 Adrian Wagner.
143 (top, left to right) Amy Allock; Dennis Charles; (bottom, left to right) Colin Payne; Colin Payne.
144 Chris Rowat Design.
145 Adrian Wagner.
146 Adrian Wagner.
147 (all) Columbia Basin Trust.
148 Adrian Wagner.
149 (all) Peter Worden.
150 (all) Zoe Ferguson.
151 Adrian Wagner.
152 (all) Columbia Basin Trust.
153 (all) Columbia Basin Trust.
155 (top, left to right) Mark Shannon; Ɂaq’am Community; Zoe Ferguson; Colin Payne; (top middle, left to right) Mike Koolen; Columbia Basin Trust; Lee Orr; Jeremy Addington; (bottom middle, left to right) David Gluns; Columbia Basin Trust; Amy Barett; Zoe Ferguson; (bottom, left to right) Carrie Schafer; Columbia Basin Trust; Nicole Leclair; Adrian Wagner.
157 (top, left to right) Adrian Wagner; Columbia Basin Trust; Adrian Wagner; Tracy Connery; (top middle, left to right) Laura Keil; Rachel Brayshaw; Tracy Connery; Columbia Basin Trust; (bottom middle, left to right) Columbia Basin Trust; Zoe Ferguson; Mandy McQuarrie, Milestones & Memories Childcare; Chelsea Boyd Gibson, Meadowsweet Photography; (bottom, left to right) Mandy Huser; Columbia Basin Trust; Bob Hall; Photos by Frida.
158 (top, left to right) Zoe Ferguson; Lee Orr; Jordan Charlesworth; Tyler Zhao; (top middle, left to right) Columbia Basin Trust; Colin Payne; Adrian Wagner; Brian Lawrence; (bottom middle, left to right) Tracy Connery; Stacked Films; Stacked Films; Tracy Connery; (bottom, left to right) Agathe Bernard; Tracy Connery; Brian Lawrence; Zoe Ferguson.
160–161 (all) Columbia Basin Trust; Photo of Jocelyn Carver courtesy of Adrian Wagner.
170–171 Billy Stevens.
172–173 Kari Medig.
endpaper Steve Shannon.